A negative office climate can be detrimental to the success of a business. It’s simple: when people like the atmosphere they are in, they tend to like their jobs, and when they like their jobs, they tend to care about their jobs, and when they care about their jobs, they do well at their jobs! When there is a negative atmosphere at work, the direct opposite happens. There seems to be a lack of productivity, an inlux of communication issues, a high–turnover rate, and more. If you are struggling with the office climate at your job, here are a few things you can do (or suggest to your boss to implement):
Figure Out Everyone’s Personality, Strengths, and Weaknesses:
It’s easier to work with people when you understand what they are good at and what they could use help in both professionally and personally. This is even a great way to help select balanced teams for assigning group office projects. Consider having your staff take a personality test or undergo an analysis to help them be the best version of themselves. Here are a few tests to consider: • Meyers-Briggs Test • Gallup Strengths Finder • Enneagram Test • Animal Personality Test
Add Some Color To the Environment:

You’d be surprised how much of a positive effect colors can have on a person’s attitude. Studies show that color has a really big effect on how we feel and perform. If you’ve noticed that the office is mostly gray and black, consider adding a bright splash of color and maybe some artwork to liven up the atmosphere.
Have Weekly Check-ins With Your Team:

Give people a chance to have an organized time of expression. Ask them personal questions like what they think they did well that week and what areas they think they should work on. Give them the opportunity to voice any changes they’d like to see made in the office. Keep the atmosphere open and positive.
Have Team Bonding:

Nothing strengthens office bonds like getting outside of the office. Schedule a small get together once a month where you play games or just share a meal together. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive, it just needs to be personal.
Go On A Corporate Retreat:

Schedule a corporate retreat once a year to reward your staff for excellent work. One great idea is to go on a dude ranch vacation where you can relax in the great outdoors, hike, ride horses and more!
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