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Join us for these speciel festivities in Mexico on the 31st October; 1st and 2nd November!As you know, here in Mexico and at the ranch, we like to enjoy folklore events as well as religious holidays with as much life, color and festivity as possible, but without doubt El Da de los Muertos, The Day of the Dead, is one of the most colorful. You'll enjoy dressing your horse up in beautiful Marigold flowers(Mexico's iconic flower durin the Day of the Dead). And you'll actually ride to a Grand Fiesta!Come and join us here at Rancho Las Cascadas for this weird and wonderful celebration of Life and Death.Nowhere in this corner of the country, are the festivities more enthusiastic than in the colorful towns of Canalejas, Tepotzotln and Jilotepec, all in the vicinity of the ranch. In front of the cathedrals and in the cemeteries is a festive, three-day occasion with masses of orange Marigold flowers. There are skeletons at every turn, life-size ones made of terra cotta, grinning bony grins from under large sombreros, playing guitars and drums, doing all the fun things they did as living beings.Inside, the cemetery is bustling with families placing flowers on the graves. Some of the favored food and drink that the returning dead liked are also placed on the grave. You will see family photographs and little dishes of breads, sweets, and perhaps a bottle of Tequila.At the ranch, we take part in the festivities by having a special program of events for our guests, including themed dinner and a special all-day ride to bring our guests to the heart of the local occasion.Don't delay, book now to ensure your place!Contact Rancho Las Cascadas: (+52 155) 18 01 01 01 or email

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