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Please offer an interesting tidbit about the ranch owners or staff:The owners are incredibly friendly and accommodating at Latigo Dude Ranch. They welcome their guests as members of an extended family. All wranglers are bright and personable. They know horses well and their "people skills" are impressive.

What makes Latigo's riding program stand out?:The horses at Latigo Dude Ranch are high-quality. Every time the guests ride, they have a variety of rides to choose from: walk; walk-trot; walk-trot-lope; family ride; etc.

What about Latigo ranch brings guests back?:We've been there 7 times since 2001. For us this dude ranch vacation offers true quality and value. The owners and staff treat us like family and Latigo Ranch seems to attract guests who are seeking and appreciate a genuine and relaxing experience with horses, nature, and other like-minded people.

Another bit of information you'd like Top50 to know:The overnight pack trip (no extra cost) is always fun. It's a longer ride than usual but the experience of riding and camping with owner Jim Yost, one or two wranglers, and some other guests is always enjoyable. No frills - just fulfilling and fun.Traveled as Couple, visited 7 years in a row

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